Hey there, awesome AIPH community! Previous community notes have been a blast! Huge thanks to each and every one of you – you rock! 🎉 Now, let’s buckle up and dive into the whirlwind of amazingness that’s happened in our community over the past couple of weeks! 🚀

INTERESTING READS: our community members have been putting their creative hats on, churning out some cool blog posts and sharing interesting reads. Check ’em out:

COMMUNITY PRODUCTS: we’re proud to have so many talented founders in our community!

  • Itay Dreyfus built an app like AudioPen that also outputs your text in your own voice. He’s looking for some beta testers.
  • Chris Rickard built Userdoc engineering excellent requirements using AI. Give your feedback here.
  • Sergiu Chiriac’s PoweredbyAI app, a website directory for AI tools and prompts, had a successful ProductHunt launch a week ago. Congrats, Sergiu!

Talking about PoweredbyAI, Sergiu will present his app on our upcoming community call this Friday. ➡️ Add to Google Calendar ⬅️ and feel free to join our calls to explore the fantastic projects created by our community members! 

COMMUNITY CALL: since we’ve touched upon the community calls topic, here’s the recording of our previous call with Matija from Wasp.

Matija shared a tool they’ve built that could transform how we build web applications. Their GPT Web App Generator can produce a fully functional web app in a matter of minutes just by using your text description. With over 10,000 apps already created using this tool! 

Check out the recording if you have questions about the cost, how many users keep working on their apps, and how it works behind the scenes.

In other news unrelated to AI – a thumbs-up emoji (👍) can symbolize a contract agreement! So, we thought we’d extend an offer to become friends with you! Just reply to this email with a thumbs-up emoji, and we’ll know you’re in! It would mean so much to us ❤️.

Also, we would love to hear your thoughts on improving our newsletter. Seriously, any ideas or suggestions would be awesome! We’ll check and consider them all!

We want you to know that you’re a particular part of our community, and we’re so grateful to have you here! Thanks for being amazing!

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